The plant health of your crops begins with the development of those good practices that contribute to promoting the health of your farm.
Today we are fortunate to have a wide variety of approved and tested phytosanitary solutions down to the smallest detail to guarantee the protection of your crops against most pests, diseases, or weeds that can affect their germination and growth development.
However, you should also bear in mind that the plant health of your farm must start from the development of a whole series of actions that can help you promote the health of your agricultural soil and your crops, contemplating the application of phytosanitary products and treatments in those cases in which they are strictly necessary.
In this sense, when it comes to helping to increase the health of your crop plot, AEPLA recommends that you consider the implementation of the following good agricultural practices
Use your farm for the development of various crops, practicing both polyculture and seasonal rotation. This way, you will make it more challenging for the pests to identify and develop diseases in a specific crop.
Carefully select the seeds used in your agricultural activity, always opting for those with the corresponding certificate of quality and resistance capacity against external threats.
Similarly, find out about those native plant varieties that have the natural ability to act as natural pest repellents, such as basil, nasturtium, or lavender.
Periodically check the health of the organic matter of your farm to detect those deficiencies that can reduce the nutrition of your crops and, consequently, their defense capacity against possible external threats.
Concerning the previous point, the systematic and adequate risk of your crops will also be essential so that they have the necessary resources to resist possible attacks by pests, diseases, and weeds effectively. Remember that, in this sense, overwatering is as dangerous or more than performing inadequate watering since it can generate excessive environmental humidity and favor the appearance of fungi.
Regarding the treatment of farmland, avoid excessive tillage since these practices can contribute to its erosion, deteriorate its organic matter and cause more significant runoff.
Finally, it will also be of great help to remove any crop debris that is damaged or in poor condition as soon as possible. Keep in mind that these damaged stems, leaves, or fruits show more significant exposure to the action of pests and diseases, increasing the risk of later expanding to healthy plants.